Report #2911
HOW TO: Contribute to the bug tracking process
target fix
report date2023-07-13 12:39:46
reportThe bugtracker will allow a user to submit an initial report, but if further details are obtained/sought or any additional information needs to be added, the user cannot submit comments or update the original bug as the tracker claims doing so is beyond our abilities.
a year ago rhet0rica: The registration page awaits the brave. You'll need to request membership in the DEET group before you can actually edit bugs, but all registered users should be able to add remarks. If possible please register using your SL account name (and a throwaway password) so we can contact you in-world if we need more details.
a year ago armelthelae: Testing adding remark as a logged in user Edit: Ok, confirmed.
Please log in or register to add remarks.