Report #2931
Wireless charging no longer functioning in ARES 0.1.1
target fix0.1.2
report date2023-07-21 02:38:26
reportThe CX/S Supervisor preloaded with ARES alpha 0.1.1 does not appear to be receiving wireless charge. Previously, a unit sitting on one of the benches around the Eisa courtyard would recieve ~1400W every 5 seconds or so. This no longer appears to be happening with the updated controller.
a year ago armelthelae: To note: Unit reporting this issue is using a Sonofusion battery, not a uRTG or other battery type that should block wireless charging.
a year ago rhet0rica: Looks like _baseband isn't receiving the updated battery induction coefficient.
a year ago rhet0rica: Figured it out; baseband was looking in the wrong place. Also fixed it to load coefficients at restart.
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