Report #3057
ax does not clean up package files downloaded after package is installed
target fix0.2.1
report date2023-08-19 14:37:14
reportNoticed after a successful update to Alpha 1.2: The ax updater did not clean up the ARES-0.1.2.sparc or ARES-0.1.2.spkg files from within HUD prim 3 after installation. Attempting @ax uncache for these files also did not work, and doing so for the root package returns "not cached: ARES-0.1.2.pkg"
a year ago rhet0rica: The smoking gun is in your text: You tried to uncache a .pkg instead of an .spkg. Still, yes, if the extension is absent it'll just screw up. That needs to be fixed.
9 months ago rhet0rica: As of ARES 0.2.2, users can/should run `pkg clean` to remove unwanted .pkg and .parc files.
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