Report #3090
Interface difficult to use on lower res displays
target fix
report date2024-05-28 21:50:17
reportHello, I play on a 1280x720 monitor, and the interface is extremely difficult to read and use. Text is blurry, status bars are hard to identify, and the menu button is behind the favorites bar on firestorm. Attempting to set the UI to a larger value causes most of it to go offscreen. Screenshot for reference: <a href=""></a>
12 months ago rhet0rica: A tutorial for adjusting the positions of on-screen interface elements is still pending. In the mean time, see the interface daemon help page for documentation on how to reposition UI elements to fit them onto a smaller screen. Additionally, I would recommend reorganizing Firestorm's toolbar buttons to be at the sides of your screen, since vertical real estate is so precious on 1280x720.
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