Report #3137
Translate filter not working on Alpha 2.2
sourceArmelthelae (darkstar.niven)
target fix0.3
report date2023-12-23 16:48:55
reportWhen testing in Alpha 2.2, the "translate" filter no longer seems to function appropriately. It cannot be activated via command at all, "@filter translate en|de" for example treats the pipe as a command separator and not a flag separator. When activated via the menu and configured via the dialog, it seems to accept this translation pair (or any other valid one) but stack-heaps on the first line you say that it attempts to translate.
9 months ago rhet0rica: ~ was actually added as an alternative to | when shell pipes were introduced, but it wasn't documented anywhere. I've changed it to : and actually updated the documentation this time. Confirmed as working now that I've also cleaned up some memory usage in the filter script.
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