Report #3206
Setting the controller's color to all channels (ie: @color 1 1 0) does not work, same for the color HUD's All Channels button
target fix
report date2024-02-11 16:12:34
reportSetting individual color channels (ie: @color a 1 1 0) works perfectly fine, but the shorter and quicker version (@color 1 1 0) does not. This also applies to the Bizmuth Color HUD's All Colors button.
7 months ago armelthelae: For ARES, you NEED to fill the slot type. This can be filled with an individual slot (a, b, c, d) or with "all" to affect all four slots at once. Thus, the new ARES version of the command would be "@color all 1 1 0"
7 months ago rhet0rica: Still a legitimate flaw with Bismuth, though. It's probably using the old syntax.
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