Report #3254
Erroneous behavior when attaching/detaching items VIA persona folders during persona changes.
target fix0.5.2
report date2024-06-23 18:56:31
reportPreliminary Information: Inventory set up: #RLV>~ARES>persona>Defense #RLV>~ARES>persona>Tekklaa Persona folders defined in Persona profiles as follows: Defense.p = persona set path $rlv/persona/Defense Tekklaa.p = persona set path $rlv/persona/Tekklaa Erroneous behavior: Switching Persona profiles from Tekklaa (Standard Operating Profile) to Defense, items in the Tekklaa persona folder are removed as expected and replaced with those in the Defense folder. When switching back to the Tekklaa profile from Defense items in the Defense persona folder are not removed as expected or replaced by items in the Tekklaa folder. Attempting to switch to the Tekklaa persona a second time will apply items in the Tekklaa folder but fail to remove those in the Defense folder.
6 months ago armelthelae: Additional testing information: Setting up #RLV/~ARES/persona/ initially seemed to load the equipment properly upon persona load on personal testing tonight. Upon switching to another profile, these items appeared to be unequipped for about half a second, then were immediately re-equipped. Further testing seems to indicate switching personas may be causing an issue in exec, as several items such as "[21:28] [_exec] script 'arm3s.p' still running; abort with 'exit' [21:28] (got 5331a619-aa3f-8961-8759-5a2e46f947f5 instead of 4517bbf5-cf62-1312-9580-f70d8572c739" are encountered during persona loading, and loading a new persona appears to immediately equip the RLV folder from the PREVIOUS persona switch.
6 months ago armelthelae: Note: It is also to be noted that while a persona switch is equipping items from the previous persona switch, it does NOT appear to be unequipping anything that may be defined in another persona folder, leading to outfits stacking on top of each other.
4 months ago armelthelae: Tested: problem still exists on ARES 0.4.0. Further testing appears like it's doing the unequip/equip step BEFORE the persona sets the path.
8 days ago rhet0rica: Not reproducible in 0.5.2. Armelthelae's reports from before 0.4.0 are consistent with script syncopation and are not obviously problems with the persona script itself. I think we can close this one.
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