Name NS Meteorological Station
MSRP L$ 250
XVS server xvendor:0
Permissions copy, modify
Land impact 8
Attachment point none
Function Creates temperature and pressure rules for a parcel or region, including day/night cycling and subdivisions
SKU FSD 49-2301-K
Requirements compatible receiver (ATOS/H, ATOS/E, or ARES)
First release 1.2 (2016-12-04)
Latest release 3.3 (2021-06-21)
Related products none


At any time, an object may broadcast the message report on channel -78837783 ("NSMS" in decimal ASCII) to receive the conditions at its present coordinates. The reply is sent on the same channel, and has the form

<humidity> <temperature> <pressure>


  • <humidity> is dry (0%) or wet (100%),
  • <temperature> is in degrees Celsius, and
  • <pressure> is in kiloPascals.

Thus a typical weather report might read something like:

dry 19 103

which is a nice, cool day.

If an NS unit is wet, heat transfer occurs at a higher rate, owing to the superior conductivity of common liquids over common gases. Likewise, low pressures prevent heat transfer, and vacuums impede it completely.


Implementations of the weather system should be extensively annotated to prevent abuse. The NS Weather Station will not initialize if it detects another station in the same region, and it will not function if it is worn as an attachment. NS clients are also programmed to reject absurd pressures and temperatures, and will only accept messages from the first weather station they detect once they arrive in a region.

Abuse of the weather system will get you, your alts, your friends, your friends' alts, and your high-school sweetheart banned from all NS services for life, with no option for appeal. Don't think about it, don't think about tricking others into it, and don't joke about doing it.