Name NanAO
MSRP L$ 150
XVS server xvendor:0
Permissions copy, modify
Land impact 1 (normally worn)
Attachment point HUD (bottom right)
Function Chassis Kinematics (animation overrider)
SKU 59-3141-N
Requirements none
First release 9.0 (2023-11-01)
Latest release 9.0.5 (2024-05-10)
Related products OC EXB-8505 CSU (predecessor)


Chassis Kinematics Version 9.0.5
© 2019–2024, Nanite Systems Consumer Products

User Manual

NanAO is a compact Animation Overrider (AO) replacement HUD. It loads AO notecards designed for the ZHAO-II, Vista, and Oracul (Kuso) systems, and caches them in a compact LinksetData storage format for instant switching. NanAO can store dozens of AOs this way, all from a single HUD attachment with a tiny script footprint. Additionally, NanAO supports integrations with OpenCollar (and derivatives), and with other Nanite Systems products like the Companion and ARES robot operating systems.

Basic Usage

To install a new AO:

1. Rez NanAO on the ground.
2. Make a new folder in your SL inventory named after the AO.
3. Copy the notecard and animations from your old AO HUD into this folder. Some AOs (especially Oracul) will have multiple notecards; you probably only want one.
4. Rename the notecard to something terse. It must begin with "ao_" and should have no spaces in it. For example, if you have an AO named "VISTA ANIMATIONS *HUD 5.32*MIRIAM BENTO AO-V.3", then you should just rename the notecard to "ao_miriam".
5. Select all of the animations and the notecard in your inventory, then (while holding the Ctrl key) drag them into NanAO. You may need to do this in chunks; SL will have difficulties if you move more than 40 or so items at once.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 as many times as necessary. If your NanAO has many files inside it already, you should Edit it and switch to the "Contents" tab so you can see when SL is done refreshing its inventory after each copy operation.
7. Pick your NanAO HUD back up. It will appear in your inventory as a new copy, probably without Modify or Transfer permissions. (This is to be expected.)
8. If you are using Firestorm, you can right-click on your old AO HUDs and choose "Replace Links" to update your outfits.

To switch AOs:

Click the HUD, then the "select AO" button.

Advanced Usage (Requires an NS robot controller)

 - Try the command '@kinematics <name>' (without the 'ao_' prefix) to switch profiles on the fly. You could even put kinematics commands (without the @) in persona and action scripts for your users' convenience!
 - The command '@kinematics uncache ao_<name>' can be used to forget about a deleted AO and free up memory.
 - The command '@kinematics uncache all' will forget all cached AOs.
 - The command '@kinematics list' will list which AOs have been cached.
 - The command '@kinematics' will list all available AOs.
 - The command '@kinematics cycle' will switch to a new, randomly-selected animation for the current locomotion pattern.
 - The command '@kinematics cycle