Report #3401
NanAO 9.0.4: Manually cycling animations then letting autocycle take over occasionally causes system idle animation
target fix
report date2024-04-06 23:06:59
reportWhen utilizing NanAO 9.0.4, if you activate an AO and enable timer-cycling, then manually cycle your standing animation a few times, when the autocycling kicks in it occasionally will cause you to not go into an AO-based stand animation but into one of the stock SL stand animations. No errors/warnings are given, and the next autocycle seems to load an AO animation fine, so this seems like an occasional annoyance rather than a major break/fix need.
5 months ago armelthelae: To note: This does not occur on an earlier version of NanAO (9.0.2)
5 months ago armelthelae: Update: This seems to trigger at random. It's not just with animation cycling, occasionally one will be walking and suddenly drop out of the AO's walk animation into the SL default walk, or similar.
4 months ago rhet0rica: I knew this would happen when I implemented cycling; what's happening is that the cycler is stopping some other animation (most likely typing) that populated the 'current animation' state. (The code is not fully intelligent about multiple animation layers.) At the time I felt it was an acceptable defect that would only trigger in fairly obscure situations, but it seems you've caught me on that corner-cutting. Limiting the behavior of NanAO's cycling to only consider stand animations, and to understand them a bit better, should deal with this.
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