Report #3423
Shell scripts don't always wait for one line to finish executing before attempting the next command.
target fix0.4.1
report date2024-04-25 13:51:11
reportWhen executing persona scripts/.as shell scripts, exec does not always appear to properly wait for the resolution of one command before attempting to continue on with the script. This can result in either undesired behavior (such as things running out of order), pauses, or even scripts stalling out and never completing (yet ARES thinking they are still running). For example, I placed the following 5 commands in a script named "": ax connect ce9f7786-7f44-da63-bdbf-ff9d1ae3a304 ax connect 0ad8309f-e354-e1c2-a799-b2746b8b276b ax update ax available exit This will (reproducibly, after several attempts with equal results), properly run the first three commands, but while ax is trying to run the "ax update" line the script attempts to run the "ax available" line, resulting in "[_exec] script '' still running; use 'exit' to abort" and the script to halt, but ARES believes it is still running.
4 months ago rhet0rica: Unfortunately this isn't an exec issue, but rather an ax one. Pretty much every application needs to have its own event queue and continuation mechanism, since LSL doesn't have any concept of these natively. It is an ongoing challenge to tidy up the gaps.
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