Report #3431
EPS capacitor not actually recharging
target fix0.4.1
report date2024-05-05 20:25:27
reportWhile testing another issue, I've managed to determine that the ARES EPS capacitor on 0.4.0 does not appear to actually be recharging itself, even when it induces its 1500W charge load on the system. It also appears to reset itself in the database. I manually changed chassis.aux.charge to 100000 (from 236882.300000), and upon shutdown and powering back on, the value was back at 236882.300000.
4 months ago rhet0rica: After implementing a new debugging tool for monitoring the database, it seems you got incredibly lucky with your timing. The capacitor does recharge, it just doesn't update the database entry except when it's draining. Had you waited slightly longer this might've been more obvious. Nevertheless the code has been fixed so it logs the EPS charge level when recharging.
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