Report #3443
ARES units cannot charge while powered off
target fix0.5.2
report date2024-08-07 02:07:38
reportIt appears ARES will not accept incoming charging while powered off. This was tested with @power zap as well as holding a power outlet and touching it via inventory to connect to it, no incoming charge is recorded. This is an issue for units with completely dead batteries, as they cannot power on enough to get to a charger and recharge themselves. Additionally, while powered off, one cannot click on a charger to "sit" on it.
a month ago rhet0rica: As with most _status bugs, it actually works (power is added to the battery), but the relevant UI doesn't update, so the _power program refuses to allow booting. This should be resolved in 0.5.2, but with _status in danger of running out of memory, it's time to do another daemon split... (yaaaay...)
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