Report #3445
DAX/3M Repair Effects Not Working
target fix0.4.1
report date2024-05-27 05:33:16
reportWhen testing Warrior damage in ARES 0.4.1 the DAX/3M controller does not emit particles or play the nanolathe repair sound when repairing. It DOES repair itself, but the effects are not. The @service repair restart and =ddt reset commands were tried to see if anything got hung up out of an abundance of caution, but are likely not related as the effects live within the controller housing itself and not the ARES HUD. Will test other controllers to see if any are similarly affected.
3 months ago rhet0rica: Determined that this was simply a shortage of linked parts inside the DAX/3m hardware itself—it has an uncommonly small linkset, and repair particles were hardcoded to use 7 and 8 so they wouldn't conflict with other sounds and particle effects.
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