Report #3467
Duplicate .info files in file system... > info files... when upgrading from ARES 0.4.0 to 0.4.2
target fix0.4.4
report date2024-06-19 02:21:33
reportMinimal repro: - Set up a fresh ARES 0.4.0 installation - Navigate to file system... > info files... and note one copy of each - @ax update/upgrade, @fs refresh, @help reindex, and @pkg clean to upgrade to 0.4.2 - Navigate to file system... > info files... again and note multiple copies Checking ARES HUD Link 3 shows that only one of each .info file actually exists. Possible file system refresh/cache clearing issue? Suspect this may be a root cause of many recent stack-heap collision errors, if so.
3 months ago rhet0rica: Might be solved in 0.4.3 with the fs rollback; the filesystem menus are generated in the step that was being skipped.
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