Report #3490
_hardware - probe sent upto 5 times on login, inconsistently.
sourceDaekar Crimson
target fix
report date2024-06-24 01:49:50
reportWhen logging in, _hardware will probe for devices upto 5 times, but usually 3-4, causing device attachment notification spam. ARES 2022-2024 version 0.4.3 beta 2 [17:46] Object: color 0.000000 0.500000 1.000000 [17:46] Object: color-2 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [17:46] Object: color-3 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [17:46] Object: color-4 0.000000 0.500000 1.000000 [17:46] Object: done [17:46] Object: ping [17:46] (Unnamed): [_proc] overview [17:46] (Unnamed): [_proc] overview [17:46] Object: working [17:46] Object: probe [17:46] DRGN//Dae: [_effector] RLVa found: RestrainedLove viewer v3.4.3 (RLVa 2.5.0) [17:46] Object: bolts off [17:46] Object: probe [17:46] Object: probe [17:46] (Unnamed): [_fs] refresh complete [17:46] Object: done [17:46] Object: probe [17:46] Object: probe [17:46] DRGN//Dae: [_hardware] device probe complete Monitored with no devices or accessories, just a cube with a lightbus monitor on my head.
2 months ago rhet0rica: During login, ARES continues probing until it finds a battery. SL takes a long time to attach everything, so the system has to be pretty fault-tolerant, and will search up to 6 times in total. RLV attachments also have to deal with this reality; #3430 is what happens when the OS is insufficiently aggressive. This can indeed be a pain in the neck; ARES kernel crashes on login are (believed to be) mainly caused by a backlog of device message spam, multiplied by repeated probing.
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