Report #3495
A halt in ARES service _status was detected.
sourceDaekar Crimson
target fix0.5.1
report date2024-07-07 17:31:31
reportUnable to reliably trigger this, but managed to heap it a total of 7 times whilst bouncing around within Club IO with Shield Cube, Speed Booster and Zen Cube. When the crash occurs, power draw seems to stop responding. I cannot determine if it is a problem with physics state, or perhaps something with the power system. -- Crash conditions: 1. Jumping onto the stage from running at 7m/s. | 2. Getting caught on a physics bug in the chandelier after jumping from walking. | 3. Standing next to the golden deco pedestal. | 4. Sitting in one of the chairs. | 5. Tying whilst sitting in said chair. | 6. Talking immediately after heaping on said chair. | 7. Performing no actions at all whilst sitting on said chair. After a discussion with Galatea, I attempted a more targeted diagnostic. -- Experimental reproduction failed.. 1. Flying into anything I can find at 30m/s. | 2. Flying THROUGH anything I could find at 30m/s. | 3. Playing chicken with the ground at 30m/s (You take the same damage flying straight into a wall that you do flying straight and touching the ground.) | 4. Jumping all over the place within Club IO once again. | 5. Running around inside Club IO at 7m/s. | 6. Repeating steps 1-5 with Zen Cube detached. | 7. Commenting out the 150w power draw that Speed Cube sends whilst in motion. | 8. Repeating steps 1-5 with Shield Cube unequipped. Was completely unable to reproduce the stack heap after over 35 minutes of literally bashing myself into things. I do not understand enough of what _status does to perform any other inferences.
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