ARES System Manual: power Module

power: reports current system power state
power <subsystem>|all on|off|toggle: adjusts subsystem configuration
power load|save|delete <profile>: loads, saves, or deletes a power profile (preset configuration of subsystems)
power on|off <delay>: turns the system on or off after <delay> seconds (default 0, minimum 10)
power cycle|reboot <delay>: reboots the system after <delay> seconds (default 0, minimum 10)
power zap [<amount>]: sends <amount> kJ to each unit within 20 m (default: 240 kJ, maximum 720 kJ)

The ARES subsystem management interface allows for precise adjustments to the unit's power usage when certain functions are not required.

All subsystem definitions are stored in the power section of the database, and can be replaced. See subsystems for more information.