Report #3519
Illegal Script Error when installing TESI 0.9.0-p1
sourceMoira Stern
target fix
report date2024-07-19 18:48:57
reportAfter attaching the installer, I click [INSTALL] and almost immediately this pops up in a script error window: "Task 'Sexuality-0.9.0.sparc' trying to illegally load script onto task 'XSU m0ira'!" In addition, I receive the following error in local chat: [19:54] Sexuality-0.9.0.sparc: "Delegates did not activate. Run a kernel reset with '=ddt reset' and try again." Running the reset as advised does not correct the issue, and the issue reproduces every time. Further troubleshooting showed an older lust script in ARES. Removed this, performed =ddt reset again, rebooted, and attempted to install TESI. No change in issue or results. Same results with a detach/reattach. Testing performed on my upgraded ARES+XSU and on a freshly redelivered 0.5.0 ARES+XSU. Issue persists in both cases.
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