Report #3535
Script error when installing Sexuality-0.9.2.xparc using the @pkg sideload command
sourcealexia whitefalcon
target fix
report date2024-08-07 02:29:02
reportAttaching the latest Sexuality extension continually gave me an error: "The package manager did not acknowledge the sideload request in a timely fashion. Please make sure you have sufficient permission to install new software." I forced the install using the @pkg sideload command and pasted it the moment I attached the package. I was able to install the extension and got a script error that read: "A halt in ARES service _sexuality was detected. It has been restarted. Please report this at"
a month ago rhet0rica: The "halt" message in this case is spurious; the installation was successful. A bit of a wart, but not something to worry about.
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