Report #3536
ctrl script: When recompiling with the OVERRIDE_TP flag added, compile fails with an error.
target fix0.5.2
report date2024-08-06 00:21:58
reportWhen attempting to compile a version of the _ctrl script using the current SDK on GitHub and the _ctrl_2024-01-18 script from a freshly redelivered DAX 2/Mini, adding the #define OVERRIDE_TP flag to the defines at the top of the _ctrl script causes a compilation error of "Name not defined within scope" specifically relating to the timer_tp variable. I was attempting to do this to compile a version of the script for someone to disable the teleport flash effect on their controller, as there does not seem to be a documented method that replicates the functionality from the old Companion "soothe" module yet.
a month ago rhet0rica: Fixed; see
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