Report #3544
Some units getting _psyche crash loops when repair messages are consistently sent via public bus
target fix
report date2024-08-11 22:03:48
reportTwo units (SL account names clairebear and jessicathunderstone) have reported crashes when utilizing a third-party option that charges and repairs. Upon attempting to assist with troubleshooting I could not replicate this behavior on myself, but could repeatedly do so to Claire. Upon further testing, I created a box that sends a "repair 20" message once per second over the public bus that consistently resulted in the same crash loops after it had been running for 10-20 seconds for these units, but did not cause the same issue with my own system. I made sure NO external items that could be communicating with Claire's system at the time, and she has a fully up-to-date ARES installation. The only additional module she has installed is TESI 0.9.2, which should be the same version I have installed, and isn't likely to be a contributing factor. Filing this report just in case this might be on the ARES side, since I'm unsure why this would be happening to her system and not mine from the same sources with essentially the same setups.
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