EXB-8505 Chassis Specification Unit (Companion) OC-8505-S
Name OC EXB-8505 CSU
MSRP L$ 300
XVS server xvendor:0
Permissions copy, modify
Land impact 2
Attachment point Right Hip
Function Accessories add-on for Companion, providing chassis config, sound effects, AO control, and more
SKU OC-8505-S
Requirements none
First release 8.4.1 (2016-12-24)
Latest release 8.5.7 (2019-04-14)
Related products NanAO (partial replacement), HCS (planned; see roadmap)

 Opaque Computing Chassis Specification Unit EXB-8505

 Companion 8.4/8.5 Edition


The CSU provides customization and detail options for your robot. In addition to a range of nifty sound effects, you can also modify various numeric values and specify the name and serial of your body.

 ► Sound effects: To enable the sound effects, simply wear the CSU module. Sounds include relay clicks, a Geiger counter for interference-causing radiation sources, hard drive activity, and damaged servos (when broken.) The CSU is designed for humanoid robots that normally have whisper-quiet actuators, so normally no motors are audible. However, the new 8.5 version included in this package offers some alternative sound schemes for heavier machines.

 ► Using the chassis specification system:

      1. Edit the configuration notecard included in the package to your liking. See http://support.nanite-systems.com/?id=1192 for details.
      2. Rename the notecard to "configuration".
      3. Use the @about command on your controller to find your OS version.
      4. Put the notecard in the CSU appropriate for your OS version, 8.4 or 8.5.
      5. Wear the CSU.

 ► Animation overriders (8.5 version only): Notecards from ZHAO-II (TuTy's, Voir), AKEYO (Vista), and Oracul (Kuso) AOs will be automatically loaded if the name starts with "ao_". The CSU will keep multiple notecards loaded to improve switching speed, but has finite memory; if your animation sets have no overlaps, then you should add no more than three notecards per copy of the CSU. The AO is controlled with the "@kinematics" command, and has the following options:

    @kinematics: lists names of available AOs
    @kinematics <name>: loads the "ao_<name>" notecard
    @kinematics reload: reloads all AOs and reports any errors
    @kinematics off: disables the AO
    In this version, sit and ground-sit animations are always on.

 ► For modders: You can also move the scripts from the CSU into any other attachment (besides the main controller itself) in order to save on render weight and attachment count. Make sure you also move the extra sound script in link 2.

 ► Recommended defaults: See http://wiki.nanite-systems.com/?id=249&mode=files for examples of configuration files that match various common chassis.