This page documents the current plan for future versions of ARES.

See also:

  • ARES Controller Info for information on retrofits
  • Device Compatibility
  • Previous versions of this page
  • ARES updates

    New Roadmap

    The planned list of versions was rewritten on June 26, 2024 to be more concrete, and to re-prioritize planned tasks based on urgency and impact.

    Beta 3


    (Previously 0.4.4)
  • New filesystem implementation ✔
  • New help system implementation ✔
  • Morgan's control freak tranche:
    • Remember chat capture status on login ✔
    • Policy to forbid chat release ✔
    • Current persona display on HUD ✔
    • Current persona display in persona menu ✔
  • Update art assets for Beta 3 (working widget, install wizard) ✔
  • Add detection to new filesystem ✔
  • Add resolve_i() calls to non-volatile programs ✔
  • Test package installs ✔

  • Sexuality preview 2 will be the next project after 0.5.0 ships.


  • Solve obstacles to recharging dead units ✔
  • LL Combat 2.0 compatibility ✔
  • Add !working widget support to new filesystem ✔
  • Work yet again on the 'command' light bus message ✔ (?)
  • Solve Tekklaa's Bug
  • 0.5.3

    Version 0.5.3 addresses various bugs causing crashes related to TESI and the _storage daemon. A Sexuality update will be released alongside it.

    WARRIOR release 1 will be the next project after 0.5.3 ships.


    Version 0.5.4 is reserved for the compatibility work required to make WARRIOR R1 function properly. It will most likely only affect the internals of _repair, _status, and other systems that WARRIOR needs to interact with.


    WARRIOR R1 and ARES 0.5.4 will not ship with diagnostics bed compatibility. This is the diagnostics bed compatibility patch, which will be released in concert with the diagnostics bed updates.


  • Finish implementing policies: curfew; distress beacon; IM policies; owner radio policies and exceptions, TP yank
  • Cron in scheduler
  • Proximity in scheduler
  • Boot and shutdown scripts

  • rent application


  • Bug review

  • domain hierarchy/XNMS client

    New settings backup disks based on phase/LSD

    Beta 4


  • Investigate env corruption
  • Unreliable reassertion of RLV restrictions (mainly after login)

  • DIAG release 1 will be the next project after 0.6.0 ships.


    This version is reserved for accommodating any adjustments to the OS necessary for DIAG release 1. It will be released simultaneously with DIAG and be required to use DIAG.


  • Long-suffering vox bugs: dot commands blocked, duplicated chat
  • Hover height control improvements; settings for hover height in media animations
  • Guaranteed forced sit and unsit (problems putting the unit on furniture while it's powered down)

  • Sexuality preview 3 will be the next project after 0.6.1 ships.


    If any adjustments to the OS are necessary to make Sexuality release 3 work, version 0.6.3 will ship containing those fixes.

    Beta 5


  • Finish AV-CAPS support
  • New ax refactor for handling monstrous package lists (axsc)
  • Get Bismuth deployable via AV-CAPS

  • UPLINK release 1 will be the next project after 0.7.0 ships.


    Compatibility patch for UPLINK.


  • Security shakedown
  • 0.7.3

  • Revisit and finish personas
  • Beta 6


  • Unit-to-unit menus
  • Device compatibility
  • Kernel revisit
  • 0.8.1

  • Device compatibility
  • Documentation
  • 0.8.2

  • Bug round-up
  • Documentation
  • Release 9


  • defensive low-power-masking

  • Militarizer

    Release 9.1


  • Shipping soft differentiation

  • Apps: Hookup, transponder, cal, etc.

    Release 9.2


  • DIVE support.
  • DIVE release 1 will be released when 9.2.0 ships.

    Release 9.3


  • Shipping hard differentiation

  • CX-SCADA, scour, Scout booster, etc.


    These are to-do items that need to be done but, for various reasons, are annoying and keep getting put off. Exactly when they'll actually get done is anyone's guess.

  • consent request bundling; updatable alerts [security, variatype]
  • forget deleted scripts [kernel]
  • standard external menu HUD (AMenu)
  • Cut Features

  • stream-oriented API, adapt command-line pipes
  • database overlays (the db utility is already brimming)
  • Extensions


    Sexuality is the ARES equivalent of Companion's TESI add-on. It provides arousal, cryolubricant management, tactile sensors, and more. Sexuality is part of the same purchase package as TESI Complete.

    Outstanding Sexuality implementation tasks:
  • Example furniture and devices
  • Voices (software works, but need data)
  • Orgasm nozzles
  • Fluid production
  • Reproductive Matrix
  • Friction
  • Installer
  • Wizard
  • Models
  • RLV outfit switching
  • Menu controls
  • Anim detect (head)
  • Prevent touch duration accumulation
  • Anim playback (pelvis)

    WARRIOR is an enhanced combat add-on for ARES that adds features originally slated for ATOS/CX.

    Outstanding WARRIOR implementation tasks:
  • Targeted damage
  • Power malfunctions
  • Update VectorLogix, Arachne X8, ARC, and ExARC to detect and fix ARES power malfunctions
  • DIAG

    DIAG (short for diagnostics) is a software add-on experience for ARES that simulates malware and logic malfunctions. Its main purpose is to encourage roleplay around repair and maintenance, including a special tech support crew staffed by NS volunteers who help rescue stranded units in the field.

    Outstanding DIAG implementation tasks:
  • Implement main program
  • Update VectorLogix, Arachne X8, ARC, and ExARC to detect and fix DIAG problems
  • Update training course website
  • Organize tech crew
  • HCS: The new CSU

    The CSU is a particularly design-intensive product that requires a complete overhaul. Many of its settings are no longer meaningful, as ARES soft-codes all of the power subsystems, so these can be changed without the CSU.

    We would ideally like to replace the CSU with a "cyberware inventory" experience called the Hardware Components System, where you must go to your local ripperdoc (Arachne X8) to change load-outs. Rather than individually choosing each specific setting, units instead select different components which have associated numeric attributes. For example, a fast-recharging FTL coil might use more power overall, but reduce the duration required for a full recharge between maximum-distance jumps.

    The current scheme for the HCS has the following slots:
  • Cortex: Controls power costs for chat, GPS, and mind subsystems
  • Subdermal sensors: Controls power costs for TESI arousal, efficiency of @zap, and the reach subsystem
  • Optics: Eyes attachments; controls power costs for video and identification subsystems, and glitch effects
  • Icon: Icon attachment (if present)
  • OSL: Ornamental lighting attachments (if present)
  • Metabolic Converter: Controls cost of converting fluids into TESI lubricant
  • Shield: Shield attachment (if present)
  • Jump Drive: Controls time, cost, and efficiency of teleporting, and the appearance of teleportation effects
  • Animatronics: Controls cost of movement, jumping, running, and the appearance of spark effects
  • Flight System: Controls cost of flight, and any visual effects, and possibly extra movement control features like double-jumping or hover jetpacks

  • The slots that describe attachments would need manual setup in #RLV folders, and are basically a roleplay wrapper for outfit swaps that avatars can already perform freely at any time. Options for the other HCS slots would be obtained through various in-world experiences similar to crafting in a survival game.

    HCS is considered a high-risk system because it depends on the availability of a persistent external inventory server, like Uplink, this website, and the NS store. Its efficacy would be severely compromised in the case of a server outage or end-of-life contingencies.


    This is a generic server/client architecture for implementing multiple HUDs with a single attachment, a little like X Windows. For sanity and sanitation reasons we intend to implement the HCS interface using HUDware. Technical information on HUDware can be found on the develop.ns site.


    In 2019 we demonstrated a somewhat-janky-and-laggy-but-viable pair of gadgets for remotely controlling other avatars' movements and camera using direct control input for standard movement. DIVE will package this as a telepresence add-on for use between NS units in the same region, allowing one avatar to remotely pilot another, called "diving" into that avatar's systems (by reference to Ghost in the Shell).

    The core concept of DIVE is to detect when the controlling avatar presses the arrow keys (or W, A, S, D) and to prevent those actions from occurring on the controlling avatar, instead sending messages to the target avatar to reproduce the same effect. Using RLV (and soon pure LSL), rotation can be set; likewise, motion can be created with llApplyImpulse() or llMoveToTarget(). The experience is not the same as self-control: there is considerable input lag (as commands must pass to the server and then to the receiver script). During a dive, the target avatar cannot issue move commands independently unless they also dive out to another body.

    There are limitations to the movement of an avatar during a dive. There is no way to redirect touches or menu actions, so sitting and standing from furniture must be done with a special menu (like when issuing commands via horns or another RLV device.) There also appears to be no way to toggle flying—any movement into the air will cause the avatar to fall down repeatedly, as leash users already know.

    Moving the camera is similar: with llSetCamera(), the controlling avatar's default view is moved to follow the target avatar instead of the controlling avatar. LSL does not provide for proper tracking of objects other than the viewer's own avatar, however, so this feature is both slow and jerky (the camera snaps to a new position 2-4 times per second and isn't smooth at all). It is technically possible to go a step further and override the target's camera position with the controlling avatar's camera position, but this seems like an idea that would be better packaged as a separate "camera sharing" experience, separate from DIVE.

    Finally, DIVE also forwards chat, menus, and commands, so that the controlling avatar can hear, speak, and control the target's system as if it was their own. This helps with certain movement tasks like teleportation. The ARES model of using pipes to manage input and output was designed specifically to facilitate this kind of indirection.


    myNanite Uplink has been a long-standing dream project at NS, intended to provide a web-based interface for accessing and managing units remotely via a subscription service. Implementing it will require a new payments system, and (hopefully) allow integration via our Patreon.

    Unlike other NS services, Uplink requires a subscription because of its dependency on external resources. These would be payable in-world using L$. Additionally, there is an upfront cost to install the Uplink software on a robot, but no cost for users.

    The Uplink payments model consists of three classes of subscriptions:
  • Unit-to-all: A unit pays a fee to let anyone it trusts access its systems.
  • All-to-user: A user pays a fee to connect to any robot with the software, provided the user would have access to that robot in-world.
  • Couples discount: A unit or user pays a one-time discounted fee to have access to their current partner, and vice versa. Voided with no refund if the partnership ends.

  • Logging into Uplink involves making an account on (currently possible through the NS store Redelivery page) which is tied by a login token to your SL account.

    Once logged in, a user has access to the Uplink console. Exactly what features will be on the console are not set in stone, but ideas include exposing the unit's:

  • Online status
  • Location
  • Teleport history
  • Nearby avatars
  • Nearby seats (for force-sitting)
  • Menus
  • Commands
  • Messages heard in local chat
  • Chat input
  • TP bookmark list

  • The web UI will be responsive and adapt to any screen size, including smartphones.

    As with any piece of spyware, Uplink has the potential to generate a great deal of interpersonal drama. To make sure Uplink is a tool for fun rather than mistrust and surveillance, the unit can turn it off any time, at which point the web UI will behave as though the avatar is offline. Remember, consent under duress is not true consent.

    Note that Uplink is considered a high-risk system because it depends on the availability of a persistent external server. It would not function at all in the case of a server outage or end-of-life contingencies.