By default, ARES commands start with @ when typed in local chat.

However, @ is not used when writing shell scripts. An @ in an ARES shell script indicates a label (jump destination).

Direct comparison with common shells:
Linux bashWindows cmd.exeARES execARES default aliases
cat <file> type <file> type <file>
ls <pattern> dir <pattern> fs match <pattern> ls <pattern>
ls dir fs
shutdown -h now shutdown /s /t 0 power system off off
echo <string> echo <string> echo <string>
<var>=<string> set <var>=<string> set <var> <string>
rm <file> del <file> fs remove <file>
env set db env env
exit goto :EOF exit
goto <label> jump <label>
:<label> @<label>:
File existence checks
bashif -e <file>; then <command>; fi
cmd.exeif exist <file> <command>
execif exist <file> then <command>
String comparison
bashif [ <string1>==<string2> ]; then <command>; fi
cmd.exeif <string1>==<string2> <command>
execif <string1> is <string2> then <command>
Storing a numeric expression in an environment variable
bashlet <var>=<math>
cmd.exeset /a <var>=<math>
execset <var>=<math>

  • The bourne shell is an ALGOL dialect; for ideological reasons it does not support goto
  • The 'fs match <pattern>' facility in ARES is designed for creating file associations, not data science; it only supports a single "*" wildcard