This is a small list of minor issues or questions that do not generally need a dedicated troubleshooting page, but have still been prevalent enough in the community that keeping the knowledge available is worthwhile.

I'm trying to do @setup or run a command but keep getting a "Forbidden" error

This is most commonly caused by not reading the initial configuration instructions. ARES does not come pre-authorized for you to be an owner of yourself, and must run the initial configuration items contained in the notecard that came packaged with your controller in order to prepare you for setup. Follow the instructions from the Getting Started notecard that came with your controller (also available here) and then attempt to run @setup or whatever commands you were attempting again.

I'm unable to do random things

This can manifest as being unable to sit on things, unable to touch things, unable to see/speak/move, etc. If you are not being specifically restricted by an owner, the most likely reason is that a subsystem got disabled somehow. (The most common culprit is loading the backup persona, which is supposed to be a minimal-power backup personality for RP purposes.)

To resolve this, do @power all off to turn off all subsystems, then @power all on to re-enable all subsystems.

My chat is coming out backlogged

This happens if one of your input pipes ends up with a clog, when you add something new to the pipe stream, it pushes off the oldest item in there, which may be one or more attempts previous. To clear these pipes, do @input purge and then attempt speaking or running a command again.

"Already connected to charger" error

If attempting to sit on a charger results in you getting booted off the charger with a "Charger already connected" (or similar) message, this is usually caused by utilizing an old charger that has not been updated to properly disconnect from ARES. Run the command @baseband restart to restart the system that controls/recognizes chargers and you should regain the ability to utilize chargers.

Note: It might also be a good idea to recommend to whomever has the old charger placed that they upgrade their charger to a current/modern version to avoid affecting units in the future as well.

My power draw is WAY too high

This can either be rogue attachments or an issue with the baseband service getting stuck somewhere. Try removing any third-party attachments to make sure none of them are generating unwanted load, and if this doesn't resolve the issue, attempt @baseband restart

HUD is unresponsive

This can stem from a number of issues. The most common ways to troubleshoot this are:

  1. Try cycling the HUD subsystem: @power hud off followed by @power hud on

  2. Restart the variatype service: @service variatype restart

  3. If using a viewer that supports it, try Refreshing Attachments

  4. If all else fails, detach and reattach your ARES HUD

I resized my HUD off the screen

This can be an unfortunate result of plugging incorrect numbers into the screen calibration section of @setup, or through accidentally misconfiguring the settings in the database. To reset this, do @db set interface.height 1008, then @db set interface.width 1920, then @service interface restart. This should set the HUD's setting approximately back to defaults, and you can use @setup to attempt to resize it again.

How do I disable or enable wireless charging

To disable wireless charging: @db set chassis.induction.remote 0 followed by @baseband restart

To re-enable wireless charging: @db set chassis.induction.remote 1 followed by @baseband restart

I set a custom chat tone but I'm still playing the default

This is usually because ARES comes pre-set with the default chat tones for the default genders. This can be rectified in one of two ways:

  • Load the default persona, and then attempt to set your chat tone again

  • Run the command @persona set marker $marker-neuter $marker-female $marker-male and then attempt to set your chat tone again.

My battery is off-center

Typically this issue is just a device detection order issue. Do @device probe and, provided you are wearing your battery on the Spine attachment point and your controller on the Chest attachment point, these should auto-align.

Caveat: For users of the CX/Supervisor controller, there is a known issue with certain body shapes that causes the battery to be "correctly aligned" and yet slightly angled in respect to the battery socket on the controller. You can attempt to adjust the controller's position a bit vertically up or down your spine and then do the probe command above to see if it will line up.

I'm constantly beeping

This is caused by ARES overheating briefly, commonly due to a minor bit of lag during a teleport, and the overheat warning alarm getting "stuck" playing.

Try running this command to stop the alarm: @media -i -n 7 stop (Note: This requires ARES 0.4.2+. If you're still running an earlier version, skip this and either go upgrade or follow the step below.)

If this fails, come to the Helpdesk in Eisa and touch the box on the floor next to the Helpdesk, which will attempt to induce another minor overheat to get the alarm to recognize it should cease once you cool back down. (This may take a few attempts.)

technical information