Revision from 2023-12-23 16:32:39
The majority of ARES is implemented. Items are removed as they are finished, mostly from the top. Nothing on this list is set in stone or final. Names in square brackets are what system components are involved.

Outstanding Alpha Items

  • sexuality (TESI for ARES)
  • Things That Are In Limbo

    These are to-do items that need to be done but, for various reasons, are annoying and keep getting put off. Exactly when they'll actually get done is anyone's guess.

  • Vox bugs: dot commands blocked, add filter ignores arguments, duplicated chat
  • finish core personas
  • consent request bundling; updatable alerts [security, variatype]
  • defensive low-power-masking
  • forget deleted scripts [kernel]
  • standard external menu HUD (AMenu)

  • ARES-to-ARES menu access [variatype + menu]
  • db backup, db load support for character streams (web sources) [db]
  • policies pt 2: curfew [security]; apparel policy [security]; distress beacon [power], IM policies [security], owner radio policies and exceptions
  • Nice display of package lists, fully usable menus for package management [libmenu]

  • animation hoverheight
  • autolock [policy]

  • Plans after the ARES leaves Alpha are less definite in terms of the amount of time required and the order of expected developments. Once ARES hits Beta, we will retire the Supervisor controller, and ARES will start to become available on standard hardware.

    Beta 1 Targets

  • begin updating old devices for ARES compatibility
  • ARES WARRIOR add-on (targeted damage, malfunctions)
  • ARES diag add-on for even more malfunctions
  • Beginning of converting Companion controllers to new ARES versions, deliver ARES to people who bought those systems; end of availability for exclusive ARES supporter controller

  • Beta 2 Targets

  • Spring Utilities replacement with new rental, proximity, and cron (scheduler) facilities
  • database overlays [db]; Hierarchy/XNMS compatibility [domain, db]—no server code changes anticipated
  • dive—ability to move units with direct key input with camera etc.
  • update remaining devices (those that previously depended upon the Companion "internal" message); update remaining controllers

  • Cleanup:
  • shakedown of interference and security rules
  • shakedown of documentation completeness
  • shakedown of guest access
  • shakedown of announcer rules; second set of announcers

  • undefined amounts of time for copious bug fixes and polish
  • HUDware
  • new CSU system—the CSU is a particularly design-intensive product that requires a complete overhaul as many of its settings are no longer meaningful; we would like to replace it with a "cyberware inventory" experience, where you must go to your local ripperdoc (Arachne X8) to change load-outs
  • Beta 3 and Beyond

  • implement stream-oriented API, adapt command-line pipes
  • uplink (??? workdays)—ability to control units from web; will require new payments system and Patreon integration

  • This is the page roadmap as it appeared at 2023-12-23 16:32:39. You can view other old versions at the history page.

    Alternatively, you may want to settle for the current version.