Revision from 2024-06-26 23:39:09
This page documents the current plan for future versions of ARES.

See also:

  • ARES Controller Info for information on retrofits
  • Device Compatibility
  • Previous versions of this page
  • ARES updates

    New Roadmap

    The planned list of versions was rewritten on June 26, 2024 to be more concrete, and to re-prioritize planned tasks based on urgency and impact.

    Beta 3


    (Previously 0.4.4)
  • New filesystem implementation ✔
  • New help system implementation ✔
  • Morgan's control freak tranche:
    • Remember chat capture status on login ✔
    • Policy to forbid chat release
    • Current persona display on HUD
    • Current persona display in persona menu
  • Sexuality preview 2


  • Finish implementing policies: curfew; distress beacon; IM policies; owner radio policies and exceptions, TP yank
  • Diagnostics bed compatibility
  • Solve Tekklaa's Bug
  • WARRIOR release 1


  • Cron in scheduler
  • Proximity in scheduler
  • Boot and shutdown scripts
  • rent application


  • Bug review
  • domain hierarchy/XNMS client
    New settings backup disks based on phase/LSD

    Beta 4


  • Investigate env corruption
  • Unreliable reassertion of RLV restrictions (mainly after login)
  • DIAG release 1


  • Long-suffering vox bugs: dot commands blocked, duplicated chat
  • Hover height control improvements; settings for hover height in media animations
  • Guaranteed forced sit and unsit (problems putting the unit on furniture while it's powered down)
  • Sexuality preview 3

    Beta 5


  • Finish AV-CAPS support
  • New ax refactor for handling monstrous package lists (axsc)
  • Get Bismuth deployable via AV-CAPS
  • UPLINK release 1


  • Security shakedown
  • 0.7.2

  • Revisit and finish personas
  • Beta 6


  • Unit-to-unit menus
  • Device compatibility
  • Kernel revisit
  • 0.8.1

  • Device compatibility
  • Documentation
  • 0.8.2

  • Bug round-up
  • Documentation
  • Release 9


  • defensive low-power-masking
  • Militarizer

    Release 9.1


  • Shipping soft differentiation
  • Apps: Hookup, transponder, cal, etc.

    Release 9.2


  • DIVE
  • Release 9.3


  • Shipping hard differentiation
  • CX-SCADA, scour, Scout booster, etc.


    These are to-do items that need to be done but, for various reasons, are annoying and keep getting put off. Exactly when they'll actually get done is anyone's guess.

  • consent request bundling; updatable alerts [security, variatype]
  • forget deleted scripts [kernel]
  • standard external menu HUD (AMenu)
  • Cut Features

  • stream-oriented API, adapt command-line pipes
  • database overlays (the db utility is already brimming)
  • Extensions


    Sexuality is the ARES equivalent of Companion's TESI add-on. It provides arousal, cryolubricant management, tactile sensors, and more. Sexuality is part of the same purchase package as TESI Complete.

    Outstanding Sexuality implementation tasks:
  • Example furniture and devices
  • Voices (software works, but need data)
  • Orgasm nozzles
  • Fluid production
  • Reproductive Matrix
  • Friction
  • Installer
  • Wizard
  • Models
  • RLV outfit switching
  • Menu controls
  • Anim detect (head)
  • Prevent touch duration accumulation
  • Anim playback (pelvis)

    WARRIOR is an enhanced combat add-on for ARES that adds features originally slated for ATOS/CX.

    Outstanding WARRIOR implementation tasks:
  • Targeted damage
  • Power malfunctions
  • Update VectorLogix, Arachne X8, ARC, and ExARC to detect and fix ARES power malfunctions
  • DIAG

    DIAG (short for diagnostics) is a software add-on experience for ARES that simulates malware and logic malfunctions. Its main purpose is to encourage roleplay around repair and maintenance, including a special tech support crew staffed by NS volunteers who help rescue stranded units in the field.

    Outstanding DIAG implementation tasks:
  • Implement main program
  • Update VectorLogix, Arachne X8, ARC, and ExARC to detect and fix DIAG problems
  • Update training course website
  • Organize tech crew
  • HCS: The new CSU

    The CSU is a particularly design-intensive product that requires a complete overhaul. Many of its settings are no longer meaningful, as ARES soft-codes all of the power subsystems, so these can be changed without the CSU.

    We would ideally like to replace the CSU with a "cyberware inventory" experience called the Hardware Components System, where you must go to your local ripperdoc (Arachne X8) to change load-outs.


    This is a generic server/client architecture for implementing multiple HUDs with a single attachment, a little like X Windows. For sanity and sanitation reasons we intend to implement the HCS interface using HUDware.


    In 2019 we demonstrated a somewhat-janky-and-laggy-but-viable pair of gadgets for remotely controlling other avatars' movements and camera using direct control input. Dive will package this as a telepresence add-on for use between NS units in the same region.


    myNanite Uplink has been a long-standing dream project at NS, intended to provide a web-based interface for accessing and managing units remotely via a subscription service. Implementing it will require a new payments system, and (hopefully) allow integration via our Patreon.

    This is the page roadmap as it appeared at 2024-06-26 23:39:09. You can view other old versions at the history page.

    Alternatively, you may want to settle for the current version.