This is temporary documentation based on the Sexuality 0.9.0 (preview 1) Patch Notes. More polished documentation will be available later.

Introduction to TESI

Tactile Excitation Sensor Interface (TESI) is the Nanite Systems standard for representing arousal and fluid transfer on Second Life avatars. It consists of a set of messages and scripts that allow objects to trigger events relating to pleasure, pain, surprise, and the movement of liquids.

TESI is designed around open protocols, allowing any creator to participate in the TESI ecosystem. Abuse and griefing are mitigated through consent mechanisms. Both of these design choices are also true of RLV, which has enjoyed many years of popularity. TESI aims to do for sex what RLV did for bondage.

At the heart of TESI is the arousal meter, the counterpart to a damage meter in combat systems. Right now there are two TESI arousal meters, Emotion, which was for Companion-based robots, and Sexuality, which is for ARES-based robots. We plan on making stand-alone sex systems for non-robots in the future.

Differences between Sexuality and Emotion

In addition to the obvious (Emotion is for Companion and Sexuality is for ARES), Sexuality improves on Emotion in the following ways:

  • Arousal isn't the direct result of physical stimulation, but instead is calculated indirectly through several other variables (physical pleasure, mental desire, observed pleasure, pain, observed pain, and surprise), which can also influence each other.
  • Overstimulation is possible (e.g. too much rubbing too fast) and will cause loss of arousal.
  • It's NOT (All) Mine! compatibility is included out of the box. INM/INAM semen deposited into an orifice will be counted as added to Sexuality.
  • New voice schema includes six different sound types (pleasure, pain, displeasure, surprise, panting, orgasm). (Emotion only had a single sliding scale of pleasure sounds.)
  • Head sensors are included as standard, with slapping available for all areas.
  • Mode selection for orgasms ("narrative" vs "interactive" modes) makes it possible to reach climax without having to press a trigger.
  • Full support for masochism, including pleasure caused by taking damage in ATOS combat.

Let's Manage Those Expectations

Version 0.9.0 is considered a technical preview of Sexuality. In tech industry jargon, it is the "MVP" (minimum viable product) version of the system, which includes the fewest possible features while still providing the core experience that justifies the product's existence.

As a result, there are quite a few things that are still in the works for Sexuality. These either do not work yet, or do not work correctly. Most of the missing features are related to the sensor attachments ("Dermal"), which are still rudimentary.

  1. Setup wizard (sexup) is not yet implemented.
  2. Only one arousal model is available so far, a rudimentary approximation of LR07. (Changing this will be part of the Setup wizard.)
  3. Observed stimuli (pleasure, pain) are not implemented.
  4. Animation detection and playback are not implemented. (These are sensor features.)
  5. No content for the vocalization system yet. Events simply generate a goofy TTS voice saying things like "Ouch" and "Horny."
  6. Fluid production is not yet implemented. (Sensor feature.)
  7. #RLV folder swapping to reflect excess fluids is not yet implemented.
  8. Not yet tested with the HPD or Stallion probes.
  9. Friction (difficulty walking when aroused) is not yet implemented; this will require a bit more work on the effector daemon's movement inhibition API, which is currently only used by interference (an internal effector feature) and has not yet been exposed for use by other services. Warrior will also require this feature to simulate leg damage.

Setting Up Sexuality

To install Sexuality:

  1. Make sure your ARES installation is up to date. You must be running Beta 1 (0.3.0) or later.
  2. Back up ARES! The installer is new and has not yet been thoroughly tested.
  3. While wearing ARES, put on the Sexuality SPARC object (Sexuality-<version>.sparc)

    If installation stalls without a "delegate" script starting in "mode 2", or you see a script error about illegal task loading, run =ddt reset and start over.

  4. Follow the instructions on screen to complete installation.
  5. Wear the "Dermal" objects from your inventory as appropriate for your anatomy. You'll want a Head piece, an Upper piece, and a Lower piece.
  6. Click your butt to confirm that it all worked out.

Configuring Sexuality after Installation

Before you dig through this section, make sure you've brushed up on how the ARES command line works, especially if you're configuring an avatar other than your own. See ARES Tutorials: Command line basics for more information.

Choosing a Voice Scheme

  1. Run fs match *.sv to see the list of available Sexuality Vocalization presets. (For now, they're all equally terrible.)
  2. Run db load <name>.sv to load one of them.

General Configuration

  1. Open user memory:
    1. Press Ctrl-3
    2. Press Ctrl-Shift-E
    3. Click the model badge in the bottom-middle of the ARES interface
    4. Switch to the 'Contents' tab
  2. Look for sexuality.db and open it by double-clicking
  3. Copy any settings you wish to modify into your local.db file. (Don't have a local.db file? Create a new notecard and drop it in.) local.db file with db load local.db
  4. Restart Sexuality with lust restart


Because of the high-speed nature of touch events, Sexuality doesn't support ARES consent prompts for most events, but it does use the 'arouse' rule (see main menu > access control... > rules... > common access rules...) You can use this to filter access to nobody (0), everybody but banned people (1), guests you have already given consent for something else (2), registered users (3), managers (4), or only owners (5).


If installation stalls without a "delegate" script starting in "mode 2", or you see a script error about illegal task loading, run =ddt reset and start over.

Otherwise, the answer is probably "not implemented yet."

Getting Support

Instructions for getting support with Sexuality are identical to those for ARES. See ARES Tutorials: Dealing with bugs and unexpected behavior for more information.