ARES System Manual: Combat

As an operating system for both military and civilian robots, ARES includes a fully-featured damage meter, referred to as system integrity, and a heat model which supports receiving environmental data from a regional weather station.

The combat system is designed to be fun, safe, and highly resistant to abuse. To that end, it includes two protective modes:

- Typing service repair dqd will toggle 'degreelessness mode', which prevents the unit's integrity from being modified. This is also a convenient way to disable auto-repair for roleplaying damaged states.
- Typing service repair ooc will toggle 'out-of-character mode', which prevents integrity changes, blocks all interference, and (if installed) automatically rejects sexual stimulation.

For convenience, these can be accessed with the default aliases @nsdqd and @ooc, respectively.

To keep combat balanced, all characters currently have 100 maximum integrity points, although future updates will allow values from 25 to 400.

When damaged, the unit will start to repair itself automatically after 10 seconds. The auto-repair function has its limits, however, and will only restore 90% of damage taken. However, it will always restore the unit to at least 40% of its maximum.

Proper repair can be obtained by having someone else use a hand-held repair tool, by visiting an ARC or ExARC repair station, or using a diagnostic or repair bed. Many models are available for purchase.

A destroyed unit is eligible for reclamation, which is a special repair process that restores it to 25% of its maximum integrity over the course of 20 seconds. Afterward the unit can boot by typing @on, as normal.

Heat, cold, and extreme pressure can also cause damage. A unit trapped in a low-pressure environment will rapidly overheat.

Damage Sources

In typical combat, ARES only accepts damage by detecting collisions.

ATOS projectiles are named ATOS:<x>, where <x> is the number of integrity points that the unit should lose when damaged. Negative amounts are allowed, for repair.

This approach is also used by the VICE and LBA combat systems. All NS combat systems recognize VICE and LBA projectiles. Additionally, high-speed projectiles will cause damage based on their relative velocity at time of impact.

Further documentation on supported projectiles can be found at

Damage Folders

ARES looks in #RLV/~ARES/damage for folders named 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. It will attach and detach these folders as the unit is damaged. The current folder is always the highest number that is within your current percentage.

For example, a unit that has 21/25 integrity points is actually at 84% integrity. ARES will therefore attach the folder ~ARES/damage/80. After repairs to full strength, it will switch to ~ARES/damage/100.

For efficiency, it is recommended to keep these folders as basic as possible; typically the 100 folder should contain nothing.

The ~ARES prefix can be changed by setting the env.rlv database entry. See db for more information.