ARES System Manual: repair Daemon

(input) @service repair [status]: Reports current integrity values and repair status.

The repair daemon tracks damage and mediates the repair process.

(input) @service repair ooc: toggles OOC mode, disabling DQD if active
(input) @service repair dqd: toggles DQD mode, disabling OOC if active
(input) @service repair inflict [projectile|crash|heat|cold|special] <amount>: damages the unit
(input) @service repair restart: restarts the daemon


repair.autorepair (default 1): enable self-repairing
repair.reclamation (default 1): enable self-reclamation

repair.autorepairing (default 0): whether the unit is currently repairing itself
repair.ext-repair (default 0): whether the unit is currently being repaired by an external source
repair.integrity (0.0-1.0): current system integrity
repair.max (0.4-1.0): current maximum integrity (lowered by autorepair)
repair.dqd (default 0): whether degreelessness mode is enabled
repair.ooc (default 0): whether out-of-character (OOC) mode is enabled

As with most other daemons, repair must be restarted for changes to these values to take effect. Using the input handler, type @service repair restart (otherwise, exec service repair restart)