ARES System Manual: Quick Reference

When the unit is self-operating, every command must start with @. To control a unit in local chat, start each command with /1??, where ?? is the first two letters of the unit's unprefixed name.

So, if an entry in this manual says to type fs, then a unit named 'CX b0b' would type @fs, and its owner would type /1b0 fs

Commands are used without prefixes inside shell scripts (see input), when using a remote console, or when using terminal mode.

System Software

ax: lists installed software packages
db: reports status of LinksetData (LSD) database
fs: lists all files
id: summarizes the unit's identity
persona: lists available personas
power: reports current power status
security: reports current users, guests, and bans
vox: reports status of chat filtering system
db <entry> <value>: modifies a database entry
db delete <entry>: removes a database entry
db drop <section>: deletes an entire database section
device probe: reconnects all devices
exec do <file>: executes a shell script
fs match <pattern> (ls): lists files matching a pattern
fs open <file>: opens a file (requires a file association based on the extension)
<entry>"><entry>: lists help pages (this command!)
id chime load <scheme>: loads a chime (startup and shutdown sound) scheme
id color load <scheme>: loads a color scheme
id name <new name>: updates the unit's name
id volume cycle: changes the volume of interface sounds
input say <message>: parses text as though entered by the unit
nav add <name> here|<slurl>: add a bookmark
nav follow [<key>]: follows the specified object (or you)
nav remove <name>: remove a bookmark
nav tp|warp|jump <name>|<slurl>|me: TPs to a bookmark or SLURL
persona <persona>: activates a persona
pkg close <archive>: closes a package archive
pkg extract <archive> <file>: extracts a file from an opened package archive
pkg open <archive>: opens a package archive
power reboot 30: reboots the unit in 30 seconds (see power for more examples)
power video on: turns on the video subsystem (see power for more examples)
proc tasks detail (ps): lists all running processes
proc unstick <program> (reset): resets a program in user memory
security <rule> <value>: changes a security rule (see rules)
security ban <UUID>: bans an avatar
security forget <UUID>: removes everything associated with an avatar
security guest <UUID>: makes an avatar into a guest
security rules: lists security rules (see rules)
security user <UUID>: makes an avatar into a user (see security for other ranks)
type <filename>: prints the contents of a text file
vox input on: enables filtering of unit hearing
vox output on: enables filtering of unit speech
wiz clear: closes the wizard interface (see wiz)
xset <variable> <...>: stores output of the command <...> in env.<variable> for later use
calc <numeric expression>: performs arithmetic
uname.as: prints platform and version information
tell: sends a message directly to a UUID on any channel

Common Software Packages

ARES does not come with any of these programs installed by default, and not all of them will be available at launch. However many can be installed from the ax servers in Eisa. (see ax)

ai: sends a message to OpenAI for processing with ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) (API key required)
spy <uuid>: reports various metrics about the target object or avatar, including any (non-HUD) attachments
toot: posts a message on the social network Mastodon (some setup required)
fortune: retrieves a GNU fortune message from myNanite
land: multitool for various land-related functions in SL
lslisp: LSLisp programming language interpreter
mail: sends email
news: displays alerts whenever a new item is posted to an RSS or Atom feed
restraint: RLV relay
define: looks up wiki definitions
domain: downloads and synchronizes settings with a domain server
hookup: directory listing of ARES users, organized by interests
lore: looks up information on a local RP wiki
mantra: assistant for meditation and hypnosis
scidb: looks up information in various chemical and biomedical databases
wander: teleports you to a random landmark submitted by other users (remember StumbleUpon?)
web: helper utility for downloading web pages