ARES System Manual: filter Text Filter Utilities

filter slow <flags>: Exaggerates spaces between words.
vox <chain> slow remove: Removes this filter from the specified vox pipeline <chain>.
vox <chain> slow <flags>: Adds this filter to the vox pipeline <chain>, with the specified <flags>. If it is already present, the current <flags> will be updated.
(chat filtering... > <chain> filters... > slow > activate or configure): values input here are passed to vox <chain> slow.

As with other chat filters, it is only appropriate to call filter directly when manually using a pipe to modify text. Most users should instead interface with it via the vox command or chat filtering menu, which manages automatic modification of chat.


Number of extra spaces to add, from 0 (normal) to 15 (extreme).

Order of Operations

slow is a layer 5 (orthographic) filter. It will be applied to the text after layer 0-4 filters but before any filters of a higher layer.