ARES System Manual: policy Facility
policy lock
: Lock the console and menus immediately.
policy unlock [<password>]
: Unlock the console and menus, with the specified <password> if one is set.
policy password <password>
: Sets or clears the lock password.
policy release on|off|toggle
: Enables or disables chat release. (See input)
policy autolock on|off|toggle
: Enables or disables Auto-Lock.
policy autolock time <seconds>
: Sets Auto-Lock to occur after the specified time. Minimum 15, default 120.
policy beacon <...>
: Adjust distress beacon settings.
policy bolts auto|on|off|cycle
: Sets the power state of the anti-theft safety bolts.
policy radio cycle|receive|transmit|open|closed
: Specify what IMs should be allowed to non-users: receiving, transmitting, open communications (all), or closed communications (none). (Not yet implemented.)
policy curfew on|off|toggle
: Require the unit to be near a certain location at a certain time of day. (Not yet implemented.)
policy curfew home [set|SLURL]
: Set the curfew home location. (Not yet implemented.)
policy curfew time <hhnn>
: Set the curfew time (24-hour format with no punctuation, e.g. 1630
for 4:30 PM SLT)
policy apparel on|off|toggle
: Prevent the unit from changing its outfit.