TESI for ARES: lust Utility

NOTE: This help page describes a commercial add-on that must be purchased separately.

lust mode disabled|narrative|interactive|masochism: Set the main behavioral profile. See sexuality for a description of each.
lust mode cycle: Switches to the next mode from the above list, in order.
lust deposit <substance> <volume> <r> <g> <b>: Adds <volume> Liters of <substance> to the unit's cryolubricant system, with the color <r> <g> <b>. <substance> must not contain spaces.
lust withdraw <volume>: Withdraws <volume> Liters of fluids. The UUID that performs this action will be sent deposit messages over the LC protocol. (The unit cannot withdraw fluid from itself as it will simply be returned.)
lust <command>: Any other command will be passed through to the main TESI daemon; see sexuality.

The lust program is a front-end for the sexuality daemon. It additionally provides features such as withdrawing and depositing fluids.