ARES System Manual: Public Bus

The public bus is a network interface used by ARES, Companion, and other NS operating systems to control and interact with units. It differs from the private bus (which is not supported in ARES) in that it always uses the same channel, -9999999.

The public bus's main purpose is to allow reception of system commands. Under ARES these are parsed directly as command invocations, provided the command comes from an object owned by a user with the 'remote' permission (see security).

Several important non-command signals are also sent through the public bus. They include:

- Environmental charging. Many charging sources, including NS SitAnywhere Chargers and Wireless Charging Nodes, use environmental charging.
- All forms of external repair, such as repair tools, ARCs, and diagnostic beds.
- Ping and identify (IFF) messages.
- Navigation for path-following.
- Event triggers. These allow execution of exec scripts (.as) when certain events occur, such as connecting to a charger.
- Chorus.

A complete list of messages specific to the public bus can be found at