ARES System Manual: filter Text Filter Utilities

filter corrupted: Simulates various speech processor malfunctions.
vox <chain> corrupted remove: Removes this filter from the specified vox pipeline <chain>.
vox <chain> corrupted <flags>: Adds this filter to the vox pipeline <chain>, with the specified <flags>. If it is already present, the current <flags> will be updated.
(chat filtering... > <chain> filters... > corrupted > activate or configure): values input here are passed to vox <chain> corrupted.

As with other chat filters, it is only appropriate to call filter directly when manually using a pipe to modify text. Most users should instead interface with it via the vox command or chat filtering menu, which manages automatic modification of chat.


Level of corruption, from 0 (no corruption) to 100 (illegible).

Order of Operations

corrupted is a layer 7 (decorative) filter. It will be applied to the text last.