ARES System Manual: input Parser

input say <message>: handle <message> as if typed by unit into the chat hook
input reset: reset shell (rebuilds chat hook)
input restart: restart io daemon
input purge: clear any stuck pipes
input debug: report status of io daemon pipes

The standard parser in ARES, input is responsible for translating input into chat messages and calling the shell.

Sending Chat

To send chat normally, simply type it, e.g. Hello world!

To whisper, prefix w and a space: w Hello world!

To shout, prefix s and a space: s Hello world!

If you have personas installed, then you can access their built-in cortex bypass messages (see persona) by prefixing a dot: .hi will resolve to: persona .hi

Running System Commands

System commands are used to perform the vast majority of functions under ARES, by calling other programs (LSL scripts) to accomplish specific tasks. For example, to check the unit's power settings, you would call the power program.

To run a system command, prefix an @ before the command's name, e.g. @help input to see this message. These are passed to the current shell (as defined in, which is usually exec.

If a program's filename starts with _, you do not need to include it to execute that program. This simply marks the program as a system component.

Bang Commands

Any message that starts with ! will be redirected to the effector daemon for processing. The supported bang commands are as follows:

- !light <message>: Sends a message directly over the light bus, e.g. !light probe to reprobe for devices.
- !broken: Enables broken effects.
- !fixed: Cancels broken effects.
- !working: Enables working effects and shows the disk throbber.
- !done: Cancels working effects and hides the disk throbber.
- !lamp on|off: Controls light emission from the controller.
- !repair: Starts repair effects.
- !reclaim: Starts reclamation (resurrection) effects.
- !repaired: Ends repair and reclaim effects.
- !spark: Plays a spark effect.
- !fault: Plays a series of spark effects.
- !release: disables the chat redirect until the next login. Type /1capture to restore normal operation.

Built-in Commands

The input parser also has several built-in commands, which start with =. These commands are for adjusting the shell and debugging.

- =chat: disables =terminal (see below)
- =ddt <option>: sends debug command to kernel. Valid options are listed in the kernel help page.
- =terminal: enables terminal mode, in which all input is assumed to start with @. Use say or a single double quote to speak normally. Disable with =chat.
- =alert 0/1/2/3: responds to a HUD alert message with the F2/F3/F4/F5 response.

In Companion, the main functions of input were contained in the cortex module.