ARES System Manual: id Utility

id name [<value>]
id authority [<value>]
id model [<value>]

Modifies the unit's identification information.

id color <slot> <spec>
id color load|save|delete <scheme>

Manages the unit's current lighting colors. See color for more information.

id chime: Lists current chime settings (boot and halt sound effects).
id chime boot|halt clear|<uuid>: Sets or disables the boot or halt sounds.
id chime save|load|delete <scheme>: Manages chime schemes.

id regen

Regenerates the unit's serial number (id.serial) based on its current model and avatar UUID and updates the callsign. This is recommended after changing the prefix; see below.

id volume cycle|mute|<value>|up|down

Adjusts the interface volume. <value> should be a number from 1 to 100. cycle will increase the volume by 10% until it reaches maximum, then mute the audio. up and down also adjust in increments of 10%.

The interface volume is also used for noises emitted by the standard main controller firmware. Run device probe to update the controller's cached copy of the interface sound settings.

id interface <setting> toggle|<value>

Adjusts any interface setting to have a new value. To see a list of supported interface settings, check the interface help page. toggle switches the value '0' to '1' and all other values to '0'.


The id database section is used to store the unit's identifying information. (See db for an explanation of the database system.) Many useful values can only be updated by modifying it directly.

id.authority: The unit's authority, i.e. the name of its controlling organization. Can be deleted if not appropriate.
id.callsign: The unit's callsign, which is the combination of its name and prefix. The callsign is automatically refreshed whenever the unit's name is changed with the id name command, above.
id.color: An array of color vectors in RGB unit-length color space (fractions ranging from 0 to 1), with the punctuation removed. See color for more information.
id.gender: The unit's gender settings; see gender.
id.model: The controller's model identifier. Will be passed to other devices upon request. Unlike in Companion, this is not required for screen geometry or battery socket calibration. The unit's name, which should be a short string uniquely identifying it.
id.prefix: The prefix to add to the name when updating the callsign, usually either 'NS' or some derivation of the model name. To remove the prefix entirely, delete the database entry (@db delete id.prefix).
id.scheme: A list of saved color scheme presets.
id.serial: The unit's serial number, which uniquely identifies it. By convention this should consist of nine numeric digits, but it may be styled to include other punctuation such as letters and hyphens that can be removed as needed.
id.chime.boot: The UUID of the current boot chime (startup sound effect). If absent, no sound will be played.
id.chime.halt: The UUID of the current halt chime (shutdown sound effect). If absent, no sound will be played.
id.chime.scheme: Saved schemes of boot and halt chimes.

Note: Most values from the settings database are not automatically applied after modification. Affected programs must be restarted (e.g. with @reset) to update values and apply changes.