ARES System Manual: status Daemon

(input) @service status power: Reports the current power usage status.

status is the core of the ARES power system. It manages the battery and tracks power consumption using a variable-speed timer that is resilient to most forms of latency. It is roughly equivalent to Companion's power program, although the user interface features are handled by a separate user-space program called power in ARES.

The status daemon has a special relationship with the thermal daemon, which derives the system heat level from its power usage and sets the fan speed. These two scripts maintain an on-going dialog using the LSD:thermal database section at all times.

(input) @service status update: Instructs the daemon to reload settings (see below).


status.bolts (default 0): may the unit detach the system and associated hardware? (see policy)
status.capacity: exact battery charge limit, determined by querying battery device
status.charge: exact battery charge level, determined by querying battery device
status.charge-ratio (0.0-1.0): fractional battery charge level (default 100): power draw of cooling system at full strength (scales dynamically) (used by thermal) (default 500): power draw caused by flying
chassis.cost.jump (default 500): power draw caused by jumping (default 300): power draw caused by running (added to walking, below)
chassis.cost.walk (default 200): power draw caused by walking
chassis.load: power loads added by devices
chassus.aux: settings relating to auxiliary power
status.drainprotect (default 1): refuse environmental charging messages with negative values?
status.draw (default 670): current power usage of all subsystems (used by status, written by power)
thermal.draw (default 670): current power usage of the entire system (used by thermal, written by status) (0.0-1.0): current fan speed, generated by thermal and read by status
thermal.gain (0.0-1.0): current
thermal.speed (default 1.0): current clockspeed multiplier of the status daemon's main loop, used to synchronize the thermal daemon to the same speed
chassis.induction.local (default 1.0): multiplier controlling the efficacy of charge public bus messages from attachments and seats (e.g. SitAnywhere chargers)
chassis.induction.remote (default 1.0): multiplier controlling the efficacy of charge public bus messages from other objects (e.g. wireless chargers)
status.on (default 1): whether the system is currently powered on
status.state (default 4194303): a bitmask representing which subsystems are currently enabled
status.temp-units (default 0): whether to display temperatures in degrees Celsius (0), degrees Fahrenheit (1), or Kelvin (2)

The bundled db utility can be used to adjust these settings. If the status, thermal, or chassis sections are damaged, consult the default.db and power.db files for factory defaults.